Dr. Shuangxia Jin is a full professor of College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China. He received his Ph.D. in 2006 from HZAU. From 2007 to 2012, he has been working as a postdoc in Prof Henry Daniell's lab of University of Pennsylvania of USA.
Dr. Jin have been working in plant biotechnology for 20 years, his current research involves in Insects (whitefly/aphid/Lygus) and cotton host molecular interaction; genome editing (CRISPR/Cas 9, Cpf1 and Base-editing). Dr. Jin have published more than 60 peer reviewed papers in top journals such as Advanced Science, Nature Communications, Trends in Plant Sci, Plant Physiology, New Phytologist, Plant Biotechnology Journal. Currently, he serves as the Associate Editor of Plant Biotechnology Journal and Senior Editor of Journal of Cotton Research, the co-chair of International Cotton Genome Initiative (ICGI).
Selected Publications:
1.Hakim Manghwar, Xianlong Zhang*, Shuangxia Jin*. Strategies to overcome off-target effects by CRISPR/Cas system (2019). Advanced Science. Accepted(*通讯作者)(SCI, IF:15.8)
2. Hakim Manghwar, Xianlong Zhang*, Shuangxia Jin*. CRISPR/Cas system: its recent advances and future prospect in genome editing of plant species (2019), Trends in Plant Science. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2019.09.006(*通讯作者)(SCI, IF:14)
3. Lisong Hu, Zhongping Xu, et al., Chaoyun Hao* & Shuangxia Jin*. The chromosome-scale reference genome of black pepper (Piper nigrum) provides further insight into piperine biosynthesis. Nature Communications, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-12607-6(*通讯作者)(SCI, IF:11.9)
4. Lei Qin, Jianying Li, Qiongqiong Wang, Zhongping Xu, Lin Sun, Muna Alariqi, Hakim Manghwar, Guanyin Wang, Bo Li, Xiao Ding, Hangping Rui, Huimei Huang, Tianliang Lu , Keith Lindsey,Henry Daniell, Xianlong Zhang, Shuangxia Jin*. High Efficient and Precise Base Editing of C•G to T•A in the Allotetraploid Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) Genome Using a Modified CRISPR/Cas9 System. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, doi:10.1111/pbi.13168 (*通讯作者) (SCI, IF:6.84)
5. Bo Li, Hangping Rui, Yajun Li, Qiongqiong Wang, Muna Alariqi, Lei Qin Lin Sun Xiao Ding Fuqiu Wang Jiawei Zou Yanqing Wang Daojun Yuan Xianlong Zhang Shuangxia Jin * . Robust CRISPR/Cpf1(Cas12a) mediated genome editing in allotetraploid cotton (G.hirsutum). Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13147(*通讯作者) (SCI, IF:6.84)
6.Li, Jianying; Manghwar, Hakim; Sun, Lin; Wang, Pengcheng; Wang, Guanying; Sheng, Hanyan; Zhang, Jie; Liu, Hao; Qin, Lei; Rui, Hangping; Li, Bo; Lindsey, Keith; Daniell, Henry; Jin, Shuangxia*; Zhang, Xianlong.Whole genome sequencing reveals rare off-target mutations and considerable inherent genetic or/and somaclonal variations in CRISPR-Cas9-edited cotton plants. 2018, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 17, 858-868 (*通讯作者) (SCI, IF:6.84)
7.Maojun Wang, Lili Tu, Daojun Yuan, De Zhu, Chao Shen, Jianying Li, Fuyan Liu, Liuling Pei, Pengcheng Wang, Guannan Zhao, Zhengxiu Ye, Hui Huang, Feilin Yan, Yizan Ma, Lin Zhang, Min Liu, Jiaqi You, Yicheng Yang, Zhenping Liu, Fan Huang, Baoqi Li, Ping Qiu, Qinghua Zhang, Longfu Zhu, Shuangxia Jin, Xiyan Yang, Ling Min, Guoliang Li, Ling-Ling Chen, Hongkun Zheng, Keith Lindsey, Zhongxu Lin, Joshua A. Udall & Xianlong Zhang .Reference genome sequences of two cultivated allotetraploid cottons, Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense. 2018, Nature Genetics, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-018-0282-x
8. Jianying Li, Maojun Wang, Yajun Li, Qinghua Zhang, Keith Lindsey, Henry Daniell, Shuangxia Jin*, Xianlong Zhang. Multi-omics analyses reveal epigenomics basis for cotton somatic embryogenesis through successive regeneration acclimation (SRA) process, 2018, Plant Biotechnology Journal, DOI:10.1111/pbi.12988(*通讯作者)
9. Luo, Jing; Liang, Sijia; Li, Jianying; Xu, Zhongping; Li, Lun; Zhu, Bangqin; Li, Zhe; Lei, Chaoliang; Lindsey, Keith; Chen, Lizhen*; Jin, Shuangxia*; Zhang, Xianlong. A transgenic strategy for controlling plant bugs (Adelphocoris suturalis) through expression of double- stranded RNA (dsRNA) homologous to Fatty acyl-CoA reductase (FAR) in cotton. New Phytologist, DOI:10.1111/nph.14636, 2017(*通讯作者) (SCI, IF:7.3)
10. Wang, Pengcheng; Zhang, Jun; Sun, Lin; Ma, Yizan; Xu, Jiao; Liang, Sijia; Deng, Jinwu; Tan, Jiafu; Zhang, Qing; Tu, Lili; Daniell, Henry; Jin, Shuangxia*; Zhang, Xianlong*. High efficient multi-sites genome editing in allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) using CRISPR/Cas9 system, Plant Biotechnology Journal, DOI: 10.1111/pbi.12755, 2017,(*通讯作者)
11. Maojun Wang, Lili Tu, Min Lin, Zhongxu Lin, Pengcheng Wang, Qingyong Yang, Zhengxiu Ye, Chao Shen, Jianying Li, Lin Zhang, Xiaolin Zhou, Xinhui Nie, Zhonghua Li, Kai Guo, Yizan Ma, Cong Huang, Shuangxia Jin, Longfu Zhu, Xiyan Yang, Ling Min, Daojun Yuan, Qinghua Zhang, Keith Lindsey & Xianlong Zhang,2017, Asymmetric subgenome selection and cis-regulatory divergence during cotton domestication,Nature Genetics, 49(4):579-587
12. Jianying Li#, Lizhen Zhu#, Joe Hull, Sijia Liang, Henry Daniell, Shuangxia Jin*, Xianlong Zhang. Transcriptome analysis reveals a comprehensive insect resistance response mechanism in cotton to infestation by the phloem feeding insect Bemisia tabaci (whitefly). Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2016, DOI: 10.1111/pbi.12554. (SCI, IF:6.3)(通讯作者)
13. Shuangxia Jin and Henry Daniell.The Engineered Chloroplast Genome Just Got Smarter. Trends in Plant Science, 2015,20(10):622-640 (SCI, IF:14)
14. Jin Shuanxia, Singh, Dolendro,Li Lebin,Zhang, Xianlong and Daniell, Henry. Engineered chloroplast dsRNA silences cytochrome p450 monooxygenase, V-ATPase and chitin synthases genes in the insect gut and disrupts Helicoverpa armigera larval development and pupation. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2015,13 (3), 435-446.
15. Shuangxia Jin and Henry Daniell.Expression of γ-tocopherol methyltransferase in chloroplasts results in massive proliferation of the inner envelope membrane and decreases susceptibility to salt and metal-induced oxidative stress by reducing reactive oxygen species. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2014 (12),1274-1285. (SCI, IF:6.84)
16. Shuangxia Jin, Xianlong Zhang1, Henry Daniell. Pinellia ternata agglutinin expression in chloroplasts confers broad spectrum resistance against aphid, whitefly, lepidopteran insects, bacterial and viral pathogens. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2012,10(3):313-327 (Cover Story, IF 6.84 ).
17. Shuangxia Jin, Anderson Kanagaraj, Dheeraj Verma, Theo Lange, Henry Daniell.Release of Hormones from Conjugates: Chloroplast Expression of ß-glucosidase Results in Elevated Phytohormone Levels Associated with Significant Increase in Biomass and Protection from Aphids or Whiteflies Conferred by Sucrose Esters. Plant Physiology, 2011,155,222-235.