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姓名: 罗朝喜 出生年月: 1973.3

性别: 硕/博导: 博导

民族: 开设课程:

农业植物病理学、植物病理学SeminarPlant Pathology

职称: 教授 研究方向:


学位: 农学博士









主要从事水稻病害及果树病害研究,在Enviromental MicrobiologyMolecular Plant PathologyPest Management Science等期刊发表研究论文90余篇,其中SCI论文70余篇。现为国家桃产业技术体系果实病害防控岗位科学家。中国植物病理学会化学防治专业委员会委员兼国际合作与交流工作组组长,第六届全国农业有害生物抗性风险评估与对策专家组成员,农业部药检所杀菌剂抗性风险评估专家组成员。Scientific Reports Phytopathology Research,植物病理学报等期刊编委。


 1991,9-1995,7  中国农业大学 植物保护专业 学士
 2000,10-2001,3 日本佐贺大学日本语课程
 2001,4-2003,3  日本佐贺大学农学研究科 应用生物科学 硕士
 2003,4-2006,3  日本鹿儿岛大学连合农学研究科 生物环境保全科学 博士
 1995,7-2000,6 云南省农科院植物保护研究所 研究实习员
 2000,7-2000,9 云南省农科院植物保护研究所 助理研究员
 2006,4-2008,7 美国克莱姆森大学,昆虫,土壤和植物科学系 博士后  
 2008年8月- 华中农业大学教师,植物病理学专业 教授



1. 国家自然科学基金,国际(地区)合作与交流项目灰霉病菌对苯氨基嘧啶类杀菌剂抗性的分子机制及其绿色防控. 课题编号:32061143041, 项目年限:2021-2023(主持)

2. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目桃褐腐病菌Mona元件调控MfCYP51基因超量表达的分子机理研究. 课题编号:31872934, 项目年限:2019-2022(主持)

3. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目Osa_miRNAs在水稻-稻曲病菌互作中的调控机制研究. 课题编号:31671970, 项目年限:2017-2018(主持)

4. 科技部,国家重点研发计划项目湖北稻区主要病虫害的绿色防控技术,课题编号:2016YFD0300707,项目年限:2016/01-2020/12(子课题主持)

5. 湖北省自然科学基金,重点项目水稻抗稻曲病基因遗传分析及克隆. 课题编号:2014CFA102, 项目年限:2015-2017(主持)

6. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目桃褐腐病菌Mona元件的生物学功能验证及其调控MfCYP51基因超量表达的分子机理研究. 课题编号:31371896, 项目年限:2014-2017(主持)

7. 农业部,公益性(农业)行业科研专项农作物重要病原菌抗药性监测及治理技术研究与示范. 课题编号:201303023, 项目年限:2013-2017(课题主持)

8. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目桃褐腐病菌Cyt b基因1166bp内含子对G143A突变影响的分子机理研究. 课题编号:31071703, 项目年限:2011-2013(主持)

9. 农业部,公益性(农业)行业科研专项稻曲病控制技术的研究. 课题编号:200903039, 项目年限:2009-2013(课题主持)

10. 教育部,重点项目,稻瘟病菌对三环唑的抗药性分子机理及抗性快速检测方法的确立. 课题编号:109114, 项目年限:2009-2011(课题主持)



1. 2020年校级教改项目:新农科背景下传统植物生产类专业改造提升改革与实践(主持)

2. 2018年校级教改项目:农业植物病理学在线开放课程(MOOC)建设(主持)

3. 2017年校级教改项目:植物疑难病害鉴定虚拟仿真实验(主持)



1. 罗朝喜,陈淑宁,林杨,阴伟晓. 桃褐腐病菌抗DMI类杀菌剂的田间检测试剂盒. 专利号:ZL201410314219.9

2. 罗朝喜,周扬,范飞,尹良芬,阴伟晓,王丽,罗梅,谭钦. 用于检测桃黑星菌的LAMP引物及检测试剂盒. 专利号:ZL201910040331.0

3. 尹良芬,罗朝喜. 单孢分离装置、单孢分离显微镜以及单孢分离方法. 专利号:ZL201911321995.0


1. 2020年华中农业大学教学质量优秀二等奖

2. 2018年校级教学管理奖

3. 2013年获华中农业大学优秀研究生导师“教书育人奖”




1. Zhou, Y., Fan, F., Wang, L., Chaisiri, C., Yin, L. F., Yin, W. X., and Luo, C. X*. 2021. Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for the rapid detection of Venturia carpophila on peach. Pest Management Science, 77: 1383-1391.

2. Yin, L. F., Zhang, S. Q., Du, J., Wang, X. Y., Xu, W. X., Luo, C. X*. 2021. Monilinia fructicola on loquat: an old pathogen invading a new host. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 20: 2009-2014.

3. Zeng, Z. Z., Chaisiri, C., Liu, X. Y., Lin, Y., Luo, C. X*. 2021. Diversity of Diaporthe species associated with melanose disease on citrus trees in Jiangxi Province, China. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 160: 259-263.

4. Chaisiri, C., Liu, X. Y., Lin, Y., Fu, Y. P., Zhu, F. X., and Luo, C. X*. 2021. Phylogenetic and haplotype network analyses of Diaporthe eres species in China based on sequences of multiple loci. Biology, 10:179.

5. Chaisiri, C., Liu, X. Y. Yin, W. X., Luo, C. X., and Lin, Y*. 2021. Morphology characterization, molecular phylogeny, and pathogenicity of Diaporthe passifloricola on Citrus reticulata cv. Nanfengmiju in Jiangxi Province, China. Plants, 10: 218.

6. Tang, J. T., Chen, X. Y., Yan, Y. Q., Huang, J. B., Luo, C. X., Hsiang, T., and Zheng, L*. 2021. Comprehensive transcriptome profiling reveals abundant long non-coding RNAs associated with development of the rice false smut fungus, Ustilaginoidea virens. Environmental Microbiology, 23:4998-5013.

7. Chen, X. Y, Li, X. B., Li, P. P., Chen, X. L., Liu, H., Huang, J. B., Luo, C. X., Hsiang, T., and Zheng, L*. 2021. Comprehensive identification of lysine 2-hydroxyisobutyrylated proteins in Ustilaginoidea virens reveals the involvement of lysine 2-hydroxyisobutyrylation in fungal virulence. Journal Integrative Plant Biology, 63: 409-425.

8. Chen, X. Y, Hai, D., Tang, J. T., Liu, H., Huang, J. B., Luo, C. X., Hsiang, T., and Zheng, L*. 2021. UvCom1 is an important regulator required for development and infection in the rice false smut fungus Ustilaginoidea virens. Phytopathology, 110: 483-493.

9. Chen, X. Y, Tang, J. T., Pei, Z. X., Liu, H., Huang, J. B., Luo, C. X., Hsiang, T., and Zheng, L*. 2021. The pears and lemons protein UvPal1 regulates development and virulence of Ustilaginoidea virens. Environmental Microbiology, 22: 5414-5432.

10. Zhang, Y. C., Zhang, B., Luo, C. X., Fu, Y. P., and Zhu, F. X. 2021. Fungicidal actions and resistance mechanisms of prochloraz to Penicillium digitatum. Plant Disease, 105:408-415.

11. Zhang, M. M., Wang, Z. Q., Xu, X., Huang, S., Yin, W. X., and Luo, C. X*. 2020. MfOfd1 is crucial for stress responses and virulence in the peach brown rot fungus Monilinia fructicola. Molecular Plant Pathology, 21: 820-833.

12. Chaisiri, C., Liu, X. Y., Lin, Y., Li, J. B., Xiong, B., and Luo, C. X*. 2020. Phylogenetic analysis and development of molecular tool for detection of Diaporthe citri causing melanose disease of citrus. Plants, 9: 329.

13. Yin, L. F., Mo, W., Guo, D. Y., and Luo, C. X*. 2020. First report of brown rot of Prunus mume caused by Monilinia fructicola in China. Plant Disease, 104: 1253.

14. Yin, L. F., Du, S. F., Chaisiri, C., Cheewangkoon, R. and Luo, C. X*. 2019. Phylogenetic analysis and fungicide baseline sensitivities of Monilia mumecola in China. Plant Disease, 103: 2231-2236.

15. Chen, S. N., Schnabel, G., Yuan, H. Z. and Luo, C. X*. 2019. LAMP detection of the genetic elementMonaassociated with DMI resistance in Monilinia fructicola. Pest Management Science, 75:779-786.

16. Adnan, M., Hamada, M. S., Hahn, M., Li, G. Q. and Luo, C. X*. 2019. Fungicide resistance of Botrytis cinerea from strawberry to procymidone and zoxamide in Hubei, China. Phytopathology Research, 1:17.

17. Fan, F., Hahn, M., Li, G. Q., Lin, Y. and Luo, C. X*. 2019. Rapid detection of benzimidazole resistance in Botrytis cinerea by loop-mediated isothermal amplification. Phytopathology Research, 1:10.

18. Xie, S. L#., Wang, Y. F#., Wei, W., Lin, Y., Yin, W. X* and Luo, C. X. 2019. Development of novel methods for functional evaluation of the signal peptide of secreted protein. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 106:182-186.

19. Xie, S. L., Wang, Y. F., Wei, W., Li, C. Y., Liu, Y., Qu, J. S., Meng, Q. H., Lin, Y., Yin, W. X*, Yang, Y. N. and Luo, C. X. 2019. The Bax inhibitor UvBI-1, a negative regulator of mycelial growth and conidiation, mediates stress response and is critical for pathogenicity of the rice false smut fungus Ustilaginoidea virens. Current Genetics 65(5):1-13.

20. Wang, Y. F., Wang, F., Xie, S. L., Liu, Y., Qu, J. S., Huang, J. B., Yin, W. X* and Luo, C. X. 2019. Development of rice conidiation media for Ustilaginoidea virens. PLoS ONE,14(10):e49096.

21. Cong, M. L., He, S., Zhang, J., Luo, C. X. and Zhu, F. X*. 2019. Hormetic effects of mixtures of carbendazim and iprodione on the virulence of Botrytis cinerea. Plant Disease, 103(1) : 95-101.

22. Chechi, A., Stahlecker, J., Zhang, M., Luo, C. X., Schnabel, G*. First report of Colletotrichum fioriniae and C. nymphaeae causing anthracnose on cherry tomatoes in South Carolina. Plant Disease, 103(5):1042.

23. Yin, W. X.#, Adnan, M.#, Shang, Y., Lin, Y. and C. X. Luo*. 2018. Sensitivity of Botrytis cinerea from nectarine/cherry in China to six fungicides and characterization of resistant isolates. Plant Disease, 102: 2578-2585.

24. Wang, Z. Q., Meng, F. Z., Zhang, M. M., Yin, L. F., Yin, W. X., Lin, Y., Hsiang, T., Peng, Y. L., Wang, Z. H. and Luo, C. X*. 2018. A putative Zn2Cys6 transcription factor is associated with isoprothiolane resistance in Magnaporthe oryzae. Frontiers in Microbiology, 31: fmicb.2018.02608.

25. Fan, F., Yin, W. X., Li, G. Q., Lin, Y. and Luo, C. X*. 2018. Development of a LAMP method for detecting SDHI fungicide resistance in Botrytis cinerea. Plant Disease, 102: 1612-1618.

26. Adnan, M., Hamada, M. S., Li, G. Q. and Luo, C. X*. 2018. Detection and molecular characterization of resistance to the dicarboximide and benzamide fungicides in Botrytis cinerea from tomato in Hubei province, China. Plant Disease, 102: 1299-1306.

27. Chen, S. N., Wang, Y. Y., Schnabel, G., Peng, C. A., Lagishetty, S., Smith, K., Luo, C. X., Yuan H. Z*. Inherent resistance to 14α-demethylation inhibitor fungicides in Colletotrichum truncatum is likely linked to CYP51A and/or CYP51B gene variants. Phytopathology, 2018, 108(11): 1263-1275.

28. Chen, S. N., Yuan, N. N., Schnabel, G., and Luo, C. X*. 2017. Function of the genetic element ‘Mona’ associated with fungicide resistance in Monilinia fructicola. Molecular Plant Pathology, 18: 90-97.

29. Fan, F., Hamada, M. S., Li, N., Li, G. Q., and Luo, C. X*. 2017. Multiple fungicide resistance in Botrytis cinerea from greenhouse strawberries in Hubei province, China. Plant Disease, 101: 601-606.

30. Yin, L. F., Cai, M. L., Du, S. F., Luo, C. X*. 2017. Identification of two Monilia species from apricot in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 16(11): 2496-2503.

31. Yin, W. X., Cui, P., Wei, W., Lin, Y., Luo, C. X*. Genome-wide identification and analysis of the basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor gene family in Ustilaginoidea virens. Genome, 2017, 60(12): 1051-1059

32. Song, J. H#., Wei, W#., Lv, B., Lin, Y., Yin W. X., Peng, Y. L., Schnabel, G., Huang, J. B., Jiang, D. H., Luo, C. X*. 2016. Rice false smut fungus hijacks the rice nutrients supply by blocking and mimicking the fertilization of rice ovary. Environmental Microbiology, 18: 3840-3849.

33. Fan, F., Li, N., Li, G. Q., and Luo, C. X*. 2016. Occurrence of fungicide resistance in Botrytis cinerea from greenhouse tomato in Hubei Province, China. Plant Disease, 100: 2414-2421.

34. Firoz, M. J., Xiao, X., Zhu, F. X., Fu, Y. P., Jiang, D. H., Schnabel, G., and Luo, C. X*. 2016. Exploring mechanisms of resistance to dimethachlone in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Pest Management Science, 72: 770-779.

35. Chen, S. N., Luo, C. X., Hu, M. J. and Schnabel, G*. 2016. Fitness and competitive ability of Botrytis cinerea isolates with resistance to multiple chemical classes of fungicides. Phytopathology, 106: 997-1005.

36. Chen, S. N., Luo, C. X., Hu, M. J., and Schnabel, G*. 2016. Sensitivity of Colletotrichum species, including C. fioriniae and C. nymphaeae, from peach to demethylation inhibitor fungicides. Plant Disease, 100: 2434-2441.

37. Chen, G. K., Du, S. F., Li, G. Q., Luo, C. X., and Yin, L. F*. 2016. First report of brown rot caused by Monilinia fructicola on Chinese sour cherry (Cerasus pseudocerasus) in Southwestern China. Plant Disease, 100: 224.

38. Wang, F., Lin, Y., Yin, W. X., Peng, Y. L., Schnabel, G., Huang, J. B., and Luo, C. X*. 2015. The Y137H mutation of VvCYP51 gene confers the reduced sensitivity to tebuconazole in Villosiclava virens. Scientific Reports, 5:17575. DOI: 10.1038/srep17575.

39. Yin, L. F., Chen, S. N., Chen, G. K., Schnabel, G., Du, S. F., Chen, C., Li, G. Q*., and Luo, C. X*. 2015. Identification and characterization of three Monilinia species from plum in China. Plant Disease, 99:1775-1783.

40. Jia, Q., Lv, B., Guo, M. Y., Luo, C. X., Zheng, L., Hsiang, T., Huang, J. B*. 2015. Effect of rice growth period, temperature, relative humidity and wetness duration on infection of rice panicles by Villosiclava virens. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 141:15-25.

41. Fan, Z., Yang, J. H., Fan, F., Luo, C. X., and Schnabel, G*. 2015. Fitness and competitive ability of Alternaria alternata field isolates with resistance to SDHI, QoI, and MBC fungicides. Plant Disease, 99: 1744-1750.

42. Chen, F. P., Everhart, S. E., Bryson, P., Luo, C. X., Song, X., Liu, X. L., Schnabel, G*. 2015. Fungicide-induced transposon movement in Monilinia fructicola. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 85:38-44.

43. Yin, L. F., Wang, F., Zhang, Y., Kuang, H., Schnabel, G., Li, G. Q., Luo, C. X*. 2014. Evolutionary analysis revealed the horizontal transfer of the Cyt b gene from Fungi to Chromista. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 76:155-161.

44. Wang, F., Zhang, S., Liu, M. G., Lin, X. S., Liu, H. J., Peng, Y. L., Lin, Y., Huang, J. B. and Luo, C. X*. 2014. Genetic diversity analysis reveals that geographical environment plays a more important role than rice cultivars on population selection of Villosiclava virens. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 80:2811-2820.

45. Chen, S. N., Shang, Y., Wang, Y., Schnabel, G., Lin, Y., Yin, L. F., Luo, C. X*. 2014. Sensitivity of Monilinia fructicola from peach farms in China to four fungicides and characterization of isolates resistant to carbendazim and azoxystrobin. Plant Disease, 98: 1555-1560.

46. Hu, M. J., Ma, Q. Y., Li, K. B., Lin, Y., and Luo, C. X*. 2014. Exploring mechanism of resistance to Isoprothiolane in Magnaporthe oryzae, the causal agent of rice blast. Journal of Plant Pathology, 96: 249-259.

47. Yin, L. F., Chen, G. K., Chen, S. N., Du, S. F., Li, G. Q., Luo, C. X*. 2014. First report of brown rot caused by Monilia mumecola on Chinese sour cherry in Chongqing municipality, China. Plant Disease, 98: 1009.

48. Yin, L. F., Chen, S. N., Cai, M. L., Li, G. Q. and Luo, C. X*. 2014. First report of brown rot of apricot caused by Monilia mumecola. Plant Disease98: 694.

49. Jiang, Y. H., Luo, C. X., Jiang, D. H., Li, G. Q., Huang, J. B*. 2014. The complete genomic sequence of a second novel partitivirus infecting Ustilaginoidea virens. Archives of Virology, 7:1865-1868.

50. Jiang, Y. H., Zhang, T. T., Luo, C. X., Jiang, D. H., Li, G. Q., Li, Q. L., Hsiang, T., Huang, J. B*. 2014. Prevalence and diversity of mycoviruses infecting the plant pathogen Ustilaginoidea virens. Virus Research, 195:47-56.

51. Li, X., Fernández-Ortuño, D., Chen, S., Grabke, A., Luo, C. X., Bridges, W. C., and Schnabel, G*. 2014. Location-specific fungicide resistance profiles and evidence for stepwise accumulation of resistance in Botrytis cinerea. Plant Disease 98:1066-1074.

52. Zhang, Y., Zhang, K., Fang, A. F., Han, Y. Q., Yang, J., Xue, M. F., Bao, J. D., Hu, D. W., Zhou, B.,  Sun, X. Y., Li, S. J.,  Wen, M., Yao, N.,  Ma, L. J.,  Liu, Y. F., Zhang, M., Huang, F., Luo, C. X. Zhou, L. G., Li, J. Q., Chen, Z. Y., Miao, J. K., Wang, S., Lai, J. S., Xu, J. R., Hsiang, T., Peng, Y. L*., Sun W. X*. 2014. Specific adaptation of Ustilaginoidea virens in occupying host florets revealed by comparative and functional genomics. Nature Communications, 5: 3849.

53. Yuan, N. N#., Chen, S. N#., Zhai, L. X., Schnabel, G., Yin, L. F. and Luo, C. X*. 2013. Baseline sensitivity of Monilia yunnanensis to the DMI fungicides tebuconazole and triadimefon. Eur J Plant Pathol, 136:651-655.

54. Yin, L. F., Chen, S. N., Yuan, N. N., Zhai, L. X., Li, G. Q. and Luo, C. X*. 2013. First report of peach brown rot caused by Monilinia fructicola in central and western China. Plant Disease 97(9):1255..

55. Wang, X. M., Liu, Q. L., Wang, H., Luo, C. X., Wang, G. J., and Luo, M. Z*. 2013. A BAC based physical map and genome survey of the rice false smut fungus Villosiclava virens. BMC genomics,14:883-898.

56. Yin, L. F., Hu, M. J., Wang, F., Kuang, H., Zhang, Y. Schnabel, G., Li, G. Q. and Luo, C. X*. 2012. Frequent gain and loss of introns in fungal cytochrome b genes. PLoS ONE 7(11): e49096.

57. Hu, M. J., Cox, K. D., Schnabel, G. and Luo, C. X*. 2011. Monilinia species causing brown rot of peach in China. PLoS ONE, 6(9): e24990. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024990.

58. Hu, M. J., Yin, L. F., Chen, Y., Chen, S. N., Liu, X. L., Chen F. P., and Luo, C. X*. 2011. A group I intron located downstream of the G143 position of the Cyt b gene in Monilinia fructicola is present in genetically diverse populations from China. In Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds VI, pp 143-150, Dehne, H.W., Deising, H.B., Gisi, U., Kuck, K.H., Russell, P.E., Lyr, H. (Eds.), Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft, Braunschweig, Germany.

59. Hu, M. J., Luo, C. X*., Grabke, A. and Schnabel, G*. 2011. Selection of a suitable medium to determine sensitivity of Monilinia fructicola mycelium to SDHI fungicides. Journal of Phytopathology, 159: 616-620.

60. Hu, M. J., Chen, Y., Chen, S. N., Liu, X. L., Yin, L. F. and Luo, C. X*. 2011. First report of brown rot of peach caused by Monilinia fructicola in southeastern China. Plant Disease, 95: 225.

61. Grabke, A., Hu, M. J., Luo, C. X., Bryson, P. K. and Schnabel, G*. 2011. First report of brown rot of apple caused by Monilinia fructicola in Germany. Plant disease, 95: 772.

62. Yin, L. F., Luo, C. X*., Kusaba, M. and Yaegashi, H. 2010. Analysis of the abnormal segregation of pathogenicity in Magnaporthe grisea by using a genetic cross of Oryza and Eleusine isolates. Agricultural Sciences in China, 9:383-391.

63. Luo, C. X., Hu, M.J., Jin, X., Yin, L. F., Bryson, P. K., and Schnabel, G*. 2010. An intron in the cytochrome b gene of Monilinia fructicola mitigates the risk of resistance development to QoI fungicides. Pest Management Sciences, 66:1308-1315.

64. Luo C. X, Cox, K. D., Amiri, A., and Schnabel, G*. 2008. Occurrence and detection of the DMI resistance-associated genetic element ’Mona’ in Monilinia fructicola. Plant Disease, 92: 1099-1103.

65. Luo C. X, and Schnabel, G*. 2008. The cytochrome P450 lanosterol 14α-demethylase gene is a demethylation inhibitor fungicide resistance determinant in Monilinia fructicola field isolates from Georgia. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74: 359-366.

66. Luo C. X, and Schnabel, G*. 2008. Adaptation to fungicides in Monilinia fructicola isolates with different fungicide resistance phenotypes. Phytopathology, 98: 230-238.

67. Kusaba, M#*., Luo C. X., Hanamura, H., Misaka, M., Mochida, T., Fujita, Y., and Tosa, Y. 2008. An avirulence gene to rice cultivar K60 is located on the 1.6-Mb chromosome in Magnaporthe oryzae isolate 84R-62B. Journal of General Plant Pathology, 74: 250-253.

68. Luo, C. X., Yin, L. F., Ohtaka, K., and, Kusaba, M*. 2007. The 1.6 Mb chromosome carrying the avirulence gene AvrPik in Magnaporthe oryzae isolate 84R-62B is a chimera containing chromosome 1 sequences. Mycological Research, 111: 232-239.

69. Luo, C. X., Yin, L. F., Koyanagi, S., Farman, M. L., Kusaba, M., and Yaegashi, H*. 2005. Genetic mapping and chromosomal assignment of Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence genes AvrPik, AvrPiz and AvrPiz-t, controlling cultivar specificity on rice. Phytopathology, 95: 640-647.

70. Luo, C. X., Yasuda, N., Iwano, M., Tanaka, H., Kusaba, M., and Yaegashi, H*. 2005. Identification of Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence gene corresponding to the rice blast resistance gene Pik-m. Bull. Fac. Agr., Saga Univ., 90: 15-21.

71. Luo, C. X., Fujita, Y., Yasuda, N., Hirayae, K., Nakajima, T., Hayashi, N., Kusaba, M., and Yaegashi, H*. 2004. Identification of Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence genes to three rice blast resistance genes. Plant Disease, 88: 265-270.

72. Luo, C. X., Hanamura, H., Sezaki, H., Kusaba, M., and Yaegashi, H*. 2002. Relationship between avirulence genes of the same family in rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. Journal of General Plant Pathology, 68: 300-306.

73. Kusaba, M., Urata, H., Fukunaga, Y., Luo, C. X., Li, C. Y. and Yaegashi, H*. 2001. Catenulate conidia formed by mutants of the rice blast fungus. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14: 6-12.

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1. 《植物保护专业英语》副主编,2019,中国农业出版社

2. 《中国农作物病虫害》(第三版),参编,2015,中国农业出版社


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